Avedo's Line n Sinker


Site Updates

  • Mailbox is up, open and ready for any senders! (2/4/25)
January: December: November:
  • Revamped code once more (11/25/24)

welcome to my city!

Welcome to my Neocity!

This joint is run from an developing lobe. A Lot of this stuff on here is subject to change! It'll get better as it goes, I promise you.

This site is not planned to be mobile friendly and works best on computer screens! If you are rude and are brash please don't talk to me, I can't stand rude people tbh.

I go by the online alias of avedo, here I'm going theo store my ocs and make stuff so don't mind me. I would tell you what sites I post on but I don't post at all except for my youtube for real.

My Intrests!

Contact me on


if you need anything!

Local Deities

They zip by fast lets see if you can catch em!

Adobe Animate FBF is so hard to learn!

another section


  • transfer stuff from this template from petrapixel old template
  • make music widget

RGBeat Clock

Clock made by

full width section

half width section

half width section