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Welcome to my Neocity!

Hello everyone! The Webmaster is here you can call me avedo! This place is still heavily under construction but alot of fun will be here, everything will try to be indiviually warned, but if i miss something don't be afraid to let me know!

This site is not planned to be mobile friendly and works best on computer screens! If you are rude and are brash please don't talk to me, I can't stand rude people tbh.

I go by the online alias of avedo, here I'm going to store my ocs and make stuff so don't mind me. I would tell you what sites I post on but I don't post at all except for my youtube for real.

My Intrests!

  • Minecraft! Java and Bedrock Edition; I'll beat the enderdragon someday!
  • I'm a massive hermitcraft fan! I've been watching Grian's POV since Season 6! [more about it over here]
  • Animating; I have a whole thing about it I want to be an animation filmmaker one day, I make animation memes sometimes :P.
  • Stardew Valley; I need to play it more but i keep going bankrupt
  • Animal Crossing New Horizons; I'm actually pretty good at this one rn in my ABD acc i have 200k bells :)
  • Cult of the lamb; Leshy my beloved 😍 (heart eye emoji) [listen to me yell about my wife]
  • I own a bunch of games that i have never played or played just once, like terraria
  • My awsome hot boyfriend who i love with my whole heart bought me webfishing and we play 2gether.

Contact me on


if you need anything!

Local Deities

They zip by fast lets see if you can catch em!

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